Friday, 24 May 2013

Ryan Davidson wins second place in the Johnstone's Young Painter of the Year regional heats

Ryan Davidson took part in the regional heats of the Johnstone's Young Painter of the Year competiton yesterday in Doncaster and managed to reach second place. It was a closely run race with Ryan only missing out on the top spot by a few minor marks.

He was awarded a prize of £30 and a goody bag of paint brushes and equipment.

This is the second time this month that we are celebrating Ryan's success and we hope to continue doing so when he takes part in the Skillbuild competition at Barnsley College in June.

Well done Ryan!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Double Success at the Guild of Bricklayers Yorkshire Regional Competition

Brickwork are currently celebrating a double success in a local competition.

The Guild of Bricklayers Yorkshire Regional Competition took place last Friday and Construction students Will Proud and Trent Johnson both secured first place in the categories they were entered into.

Will was announced the winner of the Senior competition for his work in the 6 hour long challenge, while Trent achieved the top spot for the New Entrant category. We also had a runner-up in the Junior competition, so we would also like to congratulate Joe Crossley for his hard work and effort.

Here are a few photos from the event:

Trent with completed model


Receiving award from the Guild

He was also given a tool box and level for his efforts

Will's model
The presentation

Will also received a tool box and level as a prize

Joe Crossley's Model

Winning the Guild of Bricklayers competition is a great achievement and we are estatic that two of our students have managed to achieve such a feat. The competition was assessed by the Guild Judges who look for quality, accuracy, clean work and skill. Trent & Will will have had to have produced work to a very high standard to win their places and we are glad their hard work has been recognised.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Ryan Davidson and the Dulux Apprentice of the Year competition

The P&D department are celebrating the success of apprentice Ryan Davidson, who took part in the Dulux Apprentice of the Year competition in York yesterday.

Ryan achieved 5th place, which is a great start to his competition season. This year he will also be competing in the Johnstone's Young Painter of the Year competition and the Yorkshire & Humber regional heats of the Skillbuild competition, which is hosted here at Barnsley College.

We would like congratulate him on his success so far and wish him luck in his forthcoming events.