Friday 29 November 2013

Ryan Davidson wins a Proud of Barnsley Award

Here is an extract from the Barnsley Chronicle's Proud of Barnsley 2013 supplement, showing Ryan Davidson with his award. He won the apprentice of the year award for 2013 and is currently studying Painting and Decorating with us on day release from his job at Berneslai Homes.

Further details can be found at:
Well done Ryan!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Open Evening: 27th of November 2013

Barnsley college has regular open evenings throughout the year to allow potential new students to get a taste of the courses we have available.

At the latest open evening the Construction trades had a competition to see who could create the most interactive and enjoyable stand.

Here are a few photographs from the event:

Craig, Josh, Bradley and Tutor Chris

Wall and Floor Tiling

Wallpapering demonstration

Contemplating his options

Stencilling with Al

Making pan stands with Joinery

The impossible task

Super Mario tile mosaic

Ryan is Bob the Builder

Stencilling demonstration

Inter-trade team work

Sponge work

Josh & Brad with completed wallpapering task

Craig tries out Bob
The department would like to give special thanks to the students who helped out at the trade stands, because they gave up their own time to ensure that all the visitors had an informative time.