Friday 21 June 2019

Adam Batty wins Guild of Bricklayer's Senior National competition

Congratulations to Adam Batty (a Barnsley College 3rd year bricklaying Apprentice) who has won the Guild of Bricklayer's Senior National competition, which was held at City of Liverpool College on the Thursday 20th June 2019.

To qualify for the national competition, Adam had to prove his worth by winning the Guild of Bricklayers Yorkshire Region Senior competition on the 31st May 2019 held at Bishop Burton College, so this is a double success for Adam.

Adam is employed by Fountain Developments LTD and has shown excellent work ethic, dedication and attitude to improve and develop into a superb bricklayer and person.

We are exceptionally proud of Adam and elated as a department, because his success means that we now have 3 national competition wins in the last 3 years.

Well done Adam!