Thursday 30 October 2014

Construction Celebrates Diwali

Over the last few weeks the Construction department has been focusing attention on the Hindu celebration of Diwali and have been asking the students to create some Diwali themed work. This all came together on Thursday the 23rd of October when we displayed the work in the Atrium, on the actual day of Diwali to show students from other departments what the festival is all about.

The activities began in the Painting and Decorating area, where students where given the opportunity to create traditional images on the walls of the workshop. Students from the Level 1 group took part and made the entrance into the area bright and welcoming.

Once the designs were practised on the walls the most vibrant designs were re-created on wooden boards that could be transported to the Atrium.

The design below has been made using wallpaper that was cut and pasted into shape. The other two were painted and gave to students chance to practise their cutting in skills.

On the day of Diwali we united all the work together to display the efforts of our learners and promote Diwali to students from other departments.

The Wall and Floor Tilers worked on a tile mosaic based on a Lotus flower, which is a symbol sacred to Hinduism.  

We created an information board to allow students who were not aware of the festival of Diwali to find out more about the celebration.

We also gave out traditional Indian snacks for people to try, as food is a important aspect of Diwali, with Hindu families enjoying a variety of sweet treats as part of their celebrations.

The Joiners created the arch which is the centre piece of our display, which we decorated with paper lanterns and fairy lights. Diwali is the festival of lights, so Hindu families decorate their homes with lights and candles and they let off fireworks to light up the night.

The students really enjoyed working on the Diwali themed work and have hopefully gained a greater understanding of the festival.

Thanks to everyone who helped create our display.

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